Rejuvenate detox your body and mind
ABOUT us...
In Astrology, there are 12 Zodiac signs and 27 nakshatras. There are trees that represent each nakshatra. The presence of the complete set of 27 trees directly creates a healthy and sound physical, mental, psychological, and spiritual beings.
The trees planted at RUDRA have certain curative aspects, like the Arjuna tree which gives a lot of energy, the Asav Palav, curative in nature for blood pressure, walking barefoot as far as possible helps in absorbing Electrolytes.
Curative wellness takes place due to lack of preventive healthcare, it also means that we have strayed away from our cultural and natural definitions into the realm of modern-day illnesses primarily due to lack of sleep, sunlight, social and work obligations.
A highly competitive environment, living in artificial climate controls, long pressured hours, lack of body exercises and stretches, wrong postures, and body rhythm leading to a complete imbalance of life cycles and hence your Chakras.
At RUDRA we work with you to halt the deterioration of the mind and body and arrest the slide. The concept is to start the body into a gradual routine of stretching and trying to still the mind with simple body exercises and meditation. Every aspect of the resort is authentic, natural, and timeless. The bed you sleep on, the food as organic as possible, the milk used, the cooking is done by the villagers in a very happy state of mind, the air you breathe, and the timings of each aspect are carefully monitored to maximize the kosha’s (The five layers of body - breath, mind, wisdom, and spirit. These layers must be addressed for overall healing to take place).
A strict regiment has to be followed as the design of the place is to ensure we make a difference in your life and when you leave from here we expect you to come back every year for rejuvenation.
Rudra’s wellness programs follow a holistic way and are guided by our team of expert Ayurvedic doctors, skilled therapists, nutritionists, and yogis.
Amenities & Services
Free Wi-Fi access, Yoga center, Ayurveda Therapy Rooms, Cottage stay, Dormitory, Tennis & Basket Ball Court, Swimming Pool, Salon and Spa, Camping, Cycling Track, Bar & Restaurant, In-room dining, Concierge services, Banquet hall, Outdoor Banquet Space